About Us


Founded Outsource House

Paul and Cathleen co-found an IT Support Company which provided on site support to 5 000 users monthly


Rebranded Outsource House to be OSH.co.za

Paul and Cathleen shift to focus on cloud-based solutions and establish OSH.co.za


The birth of Taming.Tech

Paul and Cathleen start Taming.Tech and launch their first course on Udemy. Taming Google Workspace (G Suite) - An Administrator Guide rated at 4.6/5


Taming.Tech launches 2 additional courses on the Udemy platform

The Complete Workspace (G Suite) Course, Beginner - Advanced rated at 4.5/5
Taming Regular Expressions (REGEX) - A Complete Guide rated at 4.7/5
And releases the first season of Taming.Tech, the Podcast

August, 2021

Taming.Tech Course Platform

Taming.Tech launches TAMING GAM - A practical guide to GAM and GAMADV-XTD3.
This is hosted on our own platform to give better service to the community that has formed around our courses.

Paul Ogier

Paul Ogier

Paul Ogier is the co-founder and lead instructor at Taming.Tech. Taming.Tech is a branch of OSH.co.za, a specialist technology company focussing on cloud-based solutions, that Paul co-founded in 2018.

After decades of managing networks for businesses and schools, under the first company he started in 2001, Paul felt the time was right to move into cloud-based applications and online training where he could blend his education roots with his love of technology.

Originally, Paul qualified as a teacher with a double major in Mathematics and Technical Drawing. After graduation, he started teaching at a prestigious high school in Johannesburg, South Africa. 

He never lost his love of teaching, but quickly realised that his career ambitions needed additional outlets, which kick-started his entrepreneurial aspirations and led to him establishing his first business. 

His first IT Support Company was soon employing 15 staff members and supporting schools and companies with up to 5000 users.

It was during this time that Paul was also involved in developing backends and intranets for private companies, as well as providing training to numerous businesses and schools on administration and backend software.

Paul is fond of saying that maths and technology are really about logic, which inspires his step-by-step approach to the courses he constructs and instructs.

As a teacher and instructor, his goal is for his students to understand the subject and to build their confidence in their abilities.

Taming.Tech is an evolution of his journey and passion for learning that allows him to provide training to students throughout the world.

Cathleen Ogier

Cathleen Ogier

After years in the corporate world, Cathleen left her position as a financial manager for an IT company in 2001 to start two businesses: her outsourced financial management consultancy and an IT support company with Paul.

A decade later, she chose to focus her energies on the IT Support Company. 

Ultimately, that led to pivoting to cloud-based solutions and establishing OSH.co.za in 2018, followed by Taming.Tech in 2019.

Cathleen focuses on the business and financial aspects of the companies.

She is the driver behind our value proposition.