Regular Expressions (REGEX) - A Complete Guide. No previous Regular Expressions experience required! This is the perfect course if you want to learn all about Regular Expressions in 2021.
Regular expressions are also referred to as Regex, Regexes or Regexp (sometimes called a rational expression)
This course is designed to advance you from beginner to proficient. It is laid out logically so that you can incrementally build your regular expressions knowledge. Essential Regex foundations are established first to facilitate in-depth comprehension of this key skill.
The real world and real-life examples explored in this course will deepen your understanding of Regular Expressions and how to apply what you’ve learnt authentically and appropriately. Experimentation with a new skill is vital in exercising and integrating wider application; which is why we’ll explore practical Regular Expression examples because it ingrains the information contained here.
Our world is pretty much run by data now and those that know how to intelligently interrogate and manage data have a distinct advantage. Regular expressions unlock the powerful possibilities of any data set.
Data analysis is vital in a variety of industries and circumstances and being able to deploy and utilise this formidable tool will strengthen your skills set, enhance your confidence and give you an edge.
Are you battling to learn Regex?
Have you tried many Regular Expression courses on Udemy and YouTube and you are still not getting it?
Are you a programmer that avoids using Regex because you are not confident?
Are you a beginner and you have heard about this and are not sure where to start?
As a Data Scientist, you know that this will help you query and clean data, but you don't have a proper foundation to start from.
Have you started programming in Python, PHP, JavaScript, Java etc and you need to have a better understanding of Regular Expressions?
Are you using Google Sheets to clean data up and you would like to make the process faster?
Are you a system administrator using PowerShell and you would like to run scripts that make your job easier?
Do you know REGEX? How about advanced REGEX? Date Matching? Regular Expressions with Leap Years?
If you have answered YES to any of these questions - then you NEED this course!
HOW CONFIDENT AM I? Take this course. If you don't learn everything you need to know about Regular Expressions (Regex) in the next 30 days, I'll refund every penny!
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And the full 30 day no-questions-asked Udemy instant guarantee is your assurance of the quality and potential of this course.
Get started today by clicking "Buy Now" and get full, lifetime access to this unique Regular Expressions (Regex) course with all future updates and all current and future course materials included!
Here are some recent reviews for this Regex course...
5 Star - Paul is the best instructor I've ever had on any online course. If you want to learn Regex, this is a course that you must to finish. - Aleksandar Zivanovic
5 Star - This course definitely breaks down RegEx into very digestible pieces and I actually used lessons learned in the first section to solve a problem at work! I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to learn RegEx! - N. Home
5 Star - One of the most fantastic course you can take to get you started on RegEx!!!! - Edj Wright
5 Star - This is by far the best overview I have found on the internet for Regular Expressions. - Blue Echo
5 Star - Regex can be a tricky beast to tame, but this course certainly helps one to get to grips with it. The course goes in to great depth and has plenty of good examples to explore. I was particularly interested in the Python and PowerShell sections, however the entire course is very informative. - Bryan Smith
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